70% of YouTube viewers have purchased a brandā€™s product as a result of seeing it on YouTube. If youā€™re wondering why your YouTube campaigns drive traffic but fail to see the same success in driving conversions, youā€™re not alone.

YouTube has historically been great at growing brand awareness, and with Google’s creation of TrueView for Action campaigns, it became a pivotal conversion driver as well.

While this product drastically improved video performance, there was still opportunity for improvement, and more revenue to be driven.

Thatā€™s why Google created Video Action Campaigns. Video Action Campaigns, or VACs, are the new and improved iteration of TrueView for Action campaigns. They greatly expand your potential ad reach and customizability.

Video Action Campaigns drive 20% more conversions per dollar than TrueView for Action ads.

As of October 2021, TrueView for Action ad groups (AKA standard ad groups) can no longer be created. They can continue to run throughout Q4, but then, any net new ad groups created will be in the responsive format. This means that action-oriented video campaigns will no longer just be In-Stream ads and will instead show ads in both the skippable in-stream and video discovery formats.

Both ad formats focus on driving conversions and use either tCPA or maximize conversions bidding. VACs give you increased visibility and customizability of your ads. This is what makes Video Action Campaigns standout amongst the crowd.

The Good Stuff

As previously mentioned, VACs use the skippable in-stream and video discovery ad formats. The responsive ad type will combine inventory from the YouTube Home feed, YouTube watch pages, Google video partners, YouTube CTV, and more, enabling your business to reach a vast pool of new customers. You can also include a call-to-action, short and long headlines, a description, and extensions in the creative.

But wait, there’s moreā€¦

VACs also give you the ability to add your product feed to the ad, highlighting your product or service to the user and giving them an opportunity to purchase. Only want specific products to show for specific videos? Simply add a filter at the ad group level!

How to Set Up Video Action Campaigns

You will follow the same steps in setting up a Video Action Campaign as you would a TrueView for Action campaign. The only difference in the creation process now is the option for expanded ad copy and the addition of product feeds. See here for step-by-step instructions on how to set one up for success!

This may all sound like a lot to manage, but through the use of automation and machine learning, you can seamlessly optimize for where your viewers are watching in one campaign. With the use of Video Action Campaigns, you can not only reach a myriad of new customers, you also increase their purchasing probability by shrinking the path to purchase.

Interested in how you can grow your business even more through YouTube? Get in touch with us today to uncover how we can help you expand your potential ad reach and customizability with Video Action Campaigns – or to see how we can help you achieve any of your other digital marketing goals!