Amazon Prime Day 2019 took place on Monday, July 15 and Tuesday, July 16, 2019, and was once again the largest shopping event in Amazon history.

With over 18 countries participating and more than 175 million items purchased, Amazon Prime Day 2019 surpassed Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined.

In total, over $2 billion of products from small- to medium-sized businesses were sold via the Amazon network with a record number of Prime members participating in the two-day event. Large retailers saw a 64% increase in sales, which is a 10% YoY increase from Amazon Prime Day 2018. But large retailers weren’t the only ones to find success this year.

Last year, niche retailers (retailers that bring in less than $5 million annually) saw a decrease in sales. However, on Amazon Prime Day 2019, they saw a 28% lift in digital sales. Even more surprising than that, retailers outside of Amazon saw a 66% lift in revenue during the two-day event. Best Buy and Walmart saw an increase in search traffic of 255% and 130% respectively.

While past years haven’t always been qualified as wins for all sellers, Amazon Prime Day 2019 was a clear success for the majority of retailers.

Amazon Prime Day 2019 Client Wins

Our clients from varying industries saw some tremendous success during the shopping holiday. We’ve gathered for you some of the most impressive stats and biggest wins that we helped our clients achieve throughout Amazon Prime Day 2019.

A leading retailer in the electronics industry who is on the IR Top 1000 List saw $1.2M in sales between Monday and Tuesday, an over 2,000% increase in revenue from normal days. This was from $40K in spend across both days, with spend focused on a few products with lots of inventory and sales specific to Prime Day. Monday had much higher spend and revenue. Aggressive ads ran throughout each day, with budgets being bumped as necessary when campaigns seemed at or close to budgets.

Industry Updates: 3D Visuals, eBays Crash Sale, and One-Day DeliveryAnother ROI Revolution client in the entertainment industry also focused on product sales by leveraging promotions and focusing on products where they had excess inventory. This year, they were able to generate 3oo% increase in sales for each of their brands. With a heavy focus on liquidating excess inventory on items, and additional focus on their best sellers, they were able to achieve these impressive results without a huge negative impact on their margins.

Additionally, a leading retailer and ROI client in the apparel industry saw a 290% increase in revenue compared to last year’s Amazon Prime Day.  By focusing their advertising efforts on their top sellers, as well as products where they were able to put a Prime Day deal in place, they were able to see a strong growth in YoY traffic and sales.

Our team was able to help set them up for success with a strong focus on aggressive keyword targeting, allowing them to gain valuable placements above the fold.

Lastly, with a focus on the most products with deals and lifting overall ad spend (roughly double the previous year), one of our leading furniture retail clients saw a 2.5X lift in sales.

While these were fantastic wins for our clients, we are also looking forward to seeing the residual effects of these sales on the brand awareness and organic sales in the months to come. As we outlined in our TACoS article:

“[Ad Spend] also has an effect on brand awareness and organic sales, because the more sales you make on a product, the more likely you are to rank higher organically, leading to more organic chances to make additional sales.”

We hope you all had a great Amazon Prime Day 2019 as well! But if you’re looking to increase your success for future Prime Days, check out our posts below on how to prepare for next year’s Amazon Prime Day. It’s never too early to get a head start: