The Full-Funnel Meta Report

Your Guide to Profitable Growth With Social Media

Do you look at social media channels solely as a play for brand awareness or engagement? Many retailers fall into this trap, with the false assumption that ads are underperforming based on outdated attribution models.

The truth is, relying on a last-touch attribution model is a recipe for failure in today’s digital landscape. To be successful and profitable, you need to look at the entire path to purchase.

In this report, you’ll explore the full buyer’s journey as it relates to the 4 Meta platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network. You’ll uncover:

  • Insider expertise and knowledge based on over $12 million in annual ad spend managed for ROI’s social media clients
  • Profitable strategies to build your brand and nurture consumers to a sale throughout the path to purchase
  • Proven best practices to realign your goals around full-funnel profitability, not just last-click performance metrics

Claim your copy for the insights you need to thrive and grow profitably on Meta platforms!

The Full-Funnel Meta Report cover featuring a chalk board with a funnel drawn on it.

Do you look at social media channels solely as a play for brand awareness or engagement? Many retailers fall into this trap, with the false assumption that ads are underperforming based on outdated attribution models.

The truth is, relying on a last-touch attribution model is a recipe for failure in today’s digital landscape. To be successful and profitable, you need to look at the entire path to purchase.

In this report, you’ll explore the full buyer’s journey as it relates to the 4 Meta platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network. You’ll uncover:

Claim your copy for the insights you need to thrive and grow profitably on Meta platforms!