Amazon & Retail Media Services

Expert retail media strategies to exceed your core business objectives.

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Full-Funnel Advertising on Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, & More

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Our advertising solutions are not endemic to only Amazon. From brand awareness to acquisition, our Amazon campaign managers can leverage any ad format and optimization opportunity for your brand across all channels. Beyond marketing for Amazon, our team creates full-funnel strategies for Walmart, Home Depot, Target, Best Buy, Wayfair, and other online retailers to acquire new customers and maximize your profitable revenue at scale.

Full-Funnel Advertising on Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, & More

Our advertising solutions are not endemic to only Amazon. From brand awareness to acquisition, our Amazon campaign managers can leverage any ad format and optimization opportunity for your brand across all channels. Beyond marketing for Amazon, our team creates full-funnel strategies for Walmart, Home Depot, Target, Best Buy, Wayfair, and other online retailers to acquire new customers and maximize your profitable revenue at scale.

Full-Funnel Advertising on Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, & More

Our advertising solutions are not endemic to only Amazon. From brand awareness to acquisition, our Amazon campaign managers can leverage any ad format and optimization opportunity for your brand across all channels. Beyond marketing for Amazon, our team creates full-funnel strategies for Walmart, Home Depot, Target, Best Buy, Wayfair, and other online retailers to acquire new customers and maximize your profitable revenue at scale.

Stats and Metrics

How ROI helps you measure success.


Decrease in ACOS in First 6 Months


Retail Advertising Revenue Lift
in First 6 Months


Years of Performance Marketing Experience

When you win, we win.

“Excellent team service, very responsive to client requests, thorough thinking and strategy. I cannot say enough good things about the team that services our account. They’re so approachable and easy to work with, and have really driven our efficacy this year. They’re great at breaking down data, spend, and results for me.”

Mike Kaselitz
Mike Kaselitz
President, Digital

I am a winner

The robots are coming!

Adam Cooper
Adam Cooper
Senior Product Feeds Specialist

Amazon Advertising Services & More


Amazon Sponsored Ads

Customized strategy, daily account monitoring, proprietary and third-party technology benefits, and ongoing reporting to align with your core business objectives.

  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Display

Amazon DPS

Amazon has a lot of advertising real estate. DSP helps you maximize your brand visibility and target a high-intent audience.Reach audiences on and off Amazon

  • Access to Amazon’s first party data
  • Access to reporting at campaign, creative, and supply levels

Amazon SEO & Listing Optimization

Ensuring your products’ most relevant keywords and search terms are indexed by Amazon is critical to your retail readiness. This package focuses on increasing traffic to your Store and product detail pages while also optimizing for quality content.


Multi-Platform Ecommerce Advertising

Retail media is growing at a record pace and new ad platforms are opening daily. With your expert ROI team, you’ll always have access to the newest and most profitable channels.


Multi-Platform Ecommerce Advertising

We’ll provide you with a retail readiness audit with strategic recommendations on content, earned media, and paid media roadmaps to set you up for success as your brand enters the marketplace. Using compelling creative and Amazon’s first-party data, our display tactics launch your new product to the highest intent audience.

Hybrid Intelligence

We don’t box our clients into one piece of software or a single technology solution; we’re platform-agnostic. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to automation and AI in paid search management.

  • The ROI RevolutionSuite®’s hybrid intelligence leverages our proprietary tools alongside the brilliant minds at ROI and our decades of paid search experience.
  • ROI’s brand-centric strategy revolves around profitable customer acquisition and revenue generation at scale. We make you money by monitoring and analyzing every campaign beyond what Google Analytics has to offer.
  • ROI’s brand-centric strategy revolves around profitable customer acquisition and revenue generation at scale. We make you money by monitoring and analyzing every campaign beyond what Google Analytics has to offer.

Smart Bidding, Smart Structure

We balance the power of machine learning with the lifecycle stage of your business and the performance in your account to have the right control over your Search budget.

  • Our unparalleled expertise with Google Smart Shopping (more than 100 clients and over $350M in annual revenue) allows us to leverage Google’s impressive AI and machine learning to meet very precise ROAS targets. Layering in structure that separates products by key performance differentiators fuels this tool to scale optimally.
  • When the automated solutions for Google and Microsoft aren’t the best fit for your brand, we use our proprietary custom bidding software to leverage more control to make granular account adjustments and funnel spend into the most profitable campaigns.

Launch + Orbit


This process involves intensive data gathering and analysis from a wide range of sources. Within the first month of your conversion optimization service, we combine user polling, heat maps, heuristic analysis, website analytics data, competitor analysis, and more to create a complete picture of user behavior on your site. Then, we translate our observations into a prioritized optimization plan to maximize A/B testing velocity and impact.



This cycle is the ongoing process of running tests, analyzing results, and incorporating learnings. Using the priorities developed in the Launch process, we begin testing high-impact changes to your site. After sufficient data has been collected, we analyze the results using segmentation and behavior analysis. Finally, we incorporate these learnings back into the testing roadmap, allowing us to further optimize our strategies and priorities for the future.


Our robust Revolution Suite™ leverages the hybrid intelligence of 24/7 automation and hands-on account monitoring to provide up-to-the-minute updates of your campaigns and smart, historical data analysis.

Conversion Rate Optimization icon

Automated Bidding

Our proprietary bidding software supports granular account adjustments and funnels spend into your most profitable campaigns. We improve your brand defense and maximize profitability with unparalleled expertise and historical data analysis.
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Real-Time Query Discovery Analysis

View your account performance and key metrics with ROI’s custom reporting and historical analysis. ROI’s keyword tracking tool identifies what your customers search for on Amazon and turns those queries into profitable, targeted keywords.
Product Feeds icon

Product Status Monitoring

ROI’s automatic alert system notifies us if a product loses advertising eligibility or profitability. This empowers our experts to make ultra-fast adjustments and split-second decisions to optimize your campaign performance in real-time.
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Flexible Reporting Solutions

We’ll share weekly and monthly performance reports focused on your core business objectives and high-impact KPIs. Our custom reporting tool measures account trends and provide unrestricted insights into campaign performance.

Your trusted agency with the feeling of an in-house team.

New ecommerce marketplaces are opening up every day. Is your brand positioned for profitable growth?